We take safety seriously
For you enjoyment and safety on your Segway tour Whitsunday Segway Tours takes your safety and well being seriously.
It is recommended you read and view all information and documentation on this page before participating in this tour. Segways are easy to ride as long as you take care and pay attention to visual, verbal and written instructions to ensure maximum safety and enjoyment for you, other Segway riders and the public.
Minimum age limit - By law all guests participating in their Segway our must be 12 years old or over. Guest riders under 18 years old should be accompanied by a responsible adult minder.
Mature aged guests - Guests over the age of 55 should be mindful that riding a Segway can be an soft adventure activity, due to aging factors the risks of injury if a fall occurs can be increased with age and decreased agility.
Health and Fitness - A Segway is an incredible engineering feat, however effort and input is still required. The Segway should not be viewed as a simple mobility assistance device. All guest riders should have good psychical health and be able to stand unaided for extended periods of time. Good sight and hearing in a range of environmental conditions. All guest Segway riders must not have any health conditions which could be exacerbated if a fall does occur.
Pregnancy - While we would love to take you on our guided Segway Tours, As you would understand, we cannot risk injury to you or your unborn child.
Drugs and other substances - All Segway guest riders must be free of any drugs, alcohol or any substances which may impair their judgement with physical movement and any mental impairment.
It is a requirement that proposed participants on our Segway tour read, acknowledge and sign the required forms before partaking in our Guided Segway Tour.
A copy of out Liability/Indemnity forms as well as under 18 (but 12 or above) parent guardian consent form can be viewed downloaded and/or completed below.
Adult Liability/Indemnity Waiver Form - View and complete form online, click here
Under 18 Parent/Guardian Consent Liability/Indemnity Waiver Form - View and complete form online, click here
These waiver forms are also available in different languages. Please Contact Us if required.
Please view the Segway Safety video provided by Segway Inc.
In addition it is recommended that you read the following documentation:
Whitsunday Segway Tours is governed by Queensland Legislation. This legislation is summarised in the Queensland Governments Rules for personal mobility devices page.
It is a requirement before participating in this tour that you read and understand this sign, understanding the warning and risks involved with riding a Segway. This sign can be found located on the base of every Segway.
If you have any questions, concerns or comments before, after or about anything that happened on a Segway Tour you are encouraged to contact us at fun@whitsundaysegwaytours.com.au